Best things in life are free, as many would say. This especially holds true with efforts in advertising one’s products or services. With free Internet marketing services, one can save a lot. Instead of shelling out for the marketing aspect of your product or services, that chunk of money could be put to other important […]
About Azu Ifeachor
Owner of OnizuMarketing - Having worked for the UK's largest Telecom company for almost 7 years, Azu has taken his first hand experience working as a Web Designer, Project Manager and more recently, a Software Designer and infused this with his Social Media expertise to become a masterful professional with a passion for helping local businesses become more findable on the internet.Author Archive | Azu Ifeachor
Search Engine Placement Marketing Benefits
With billions of websites on the internet, and that number being added to daily, anyone who uses their website to make money recognizes the importance of getting their website to stand out and get visitors. That is where search engine placement marketing comes into play. If your website is only a way to show vacation […]
Advertising through Apps
Smartphones have become a ubiquitous part of daily life, particularly for the younger set. Those of us who remember when cell phones first came out, roughly the size of a brick and just as heavy might be a bit bemused by the latest advances in technology. Nowadays, it seems as though the latest smartphones can […]
SEO and PPC Comparisons
The online community is definitely a large market place that you cannot ignore, especially if you have an Internet business. There are thousands if not millions of consumers that you can tap in the Internet. At the same time, the Internet also poses a quite different challenge. The easy access that Internet provides also gives […]
How Well Is Your Business Thought Out?
Obviously, the first place to start with any business is to come up with an idea. What, exactly, is up for sale and what is the best way to attract the customer to the product? This has been the main focus of all businesses, whether online or brick and mortar, for centuries. For those who […]
How to Write an E-Book
The hardest part of writing is the first sentence. When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task. That’s why you have to break it down into manageable tasks. Think of climbing a mountain. You are standing at the foot of it and looking up at its summit vanishing into the […]
How to create an autoresponder account and set it up to use on your WordPress blog
Video: Creating an autoresponder account and setting it up to use on your WordPress blog.
Advergames: Fun Marketing For Your Business
People love video games. Even those who shy away from considering themselves “gamers” enjoy a bit of gaming every now and then – all you need to do is go sit on public transportation for a couple of hours to see the masses of people playing Tetris on their cell phones. Even those who haven’t […]
What You Might Be Messing Up With Social Networking
There’s no shortage of information out there about how to do well with social media, I thought I would look at things from a different perspective. Here are three things you must not do if you wish to succeed in social media. You Try To Automate It. I see so many people who think using […]