About Azu Ifeachor

Owner of OnizuMarketing - Having worked for the UK's largest Telecom company for almost 7 years, Azu has taken his first hand experience working as a Web Designer, Project Manager and more recently, a Software Designer and infused this with his Social Media expertise to become a masterful professional with a passion for helping local businesses become more findable on the internet.

Author Archive | Azu Ifeachor


All About Niche Market

You are interested in starting a home-based business. You also want to use the Internet for your work-at-home idea. However, you are not sure if you can make money online. To make matters worse, you are confused about what home-based business opportunity to pursue. If this sounds like you, rest assured that money can be […]

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Essentials of Setting Up Page Order on Your WordPress Blog

Video: How to change the order of navigation links in your WordPress blog.

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Why List Building Is Essential For Your Business

One of the most valuable assets an online business can have is an opt-in list. What’s this and how does it work? We’re here to help! An opt-in marketing list is where a customer (or potential customer, but it’s most often somebody who has purchased something from your site) gets an option to include themselves […]

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What is Web Word of Mouth Marketing?

Online marketing presents you with an opportunity to get more bang for your buck compared to traditional marketing. This is particularly true for word of mouth marketing. Word of Mouth Marketing on The Web Word of mouth marketing refers to a type of marketing that promotes something by enticing independent parties to promote the service, […]

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Be Prepared To Sell Yourself As An Offline Consultant

If you’re looking to go into consulting, remember that the real product you’re selling isn’t your expertise in a subject or your knowledge or even your advice. What you’re actually selling is yourself. Who you are is a full package. This means that you need to know yourself from soup to nuts, and understand who […]

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Email Advertising

It might come as no shock to you to learn that the most commonly engaged in activity on the Internet is email. People are connected to their email like no other function on the Internet, and we all know how popular Facebook and Twitter are. If you really want to get somebody’s attention but can’t […]

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Seo Article Writing Tips

Many online marketers really miss out on a great opportunity, they don’t know how to write a good seo article or blog post. They spend a lot of time churning out great articles but don’t get as much from them as they could. There is a lot of debate about what is better: writing for […]

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Get More Clicks To Your Blog Using These

If your blog is not getting the amount of traffic that you desire, you may need to employ a few simple techniques to help increase and retain your audience. In my experience successful blogging comes down to good content, frequency, social participation, effective promotion and retention. Every blog needs to start with a base of […]

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Social Media and Business Together At last

The goal of business owners is to make money. This often results with the selling of a particular product or service. However, to sell that product or service business owners need to alert the general public. Customer cannot buy a product or a service if they do not know that it exists. That is why, […]

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How to use Guest Posts to Drive Traffic

Video: Using guest posting on other blogs to drive traffic to your WordPress blog

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