Whenever a particular interest group, home-related business associations, or any other group set up seminars, they usually go out of their way in order to get sponsorship and the like. While it may seem unlikely that you will get anything out of sponsoring a seminar, think again! Moreover, you can get the most out of […]
About Azu Ifeachor
Owner of OnizuMarketing - Having worked for the UK's largest Telecom company for almost 7 years, Azu has taken his first hand experience working as a Web Designer, Project Manager and more recently, a Software Designer and infused this with his Social Media expertise to become a masterful professional with a passion for helping local businesses become more findable on the internet.Author Archive | Azu Ifeachor
Steps in Getting Popularity Link: Increasing it Will Increase Traffic
In this quick report I will tell you how you can gain link popularity for your website and at the same time your website will be receiving targeted visitors. Increasing your link popularity will increase visitors and you will sale more. For better result promote only one URL and not the entire website. Make sure […]
Promoting Your Offline Business Through Social Media Engagement
One of the primary reasons that social media exists in the first place is to engage. Social media gives people a platform to reach out to each other, whether that purpose is fundamentally business or pleasure. People wish to engage with each other constantly, and social media gives people the ability to do so in […]
Make Your Site Cool Using Web Page Keywords
Finding the right web page keywords so your website will show up on the first page of Google, and other search engines, is the main goal for internet marketers. The good news is that it really is not that hard to do, with a little patience and a little practice you can optimize your web […]
Who Should Choose Video For Marketing
After reading a little about web videos for advertising, you may be asking yourself just what type of businesses are taking advantages of this media? The answers are just about everyone who understands the concept of entertainment in advertising. Just about every business that has a website on the internet is now adding some sort […]
Easy Way to install WordPress manually
Video: How to install WordPress manually if you don’t have cpanel
How to Build a Business Using Real Paper Greeting Cards
Most businesses spend a huge amount of time and money looking for NEW customers. We advertise, make phone calls, even travel cross country for meetings, all in the pursuit of the ever elusive stream of new customers. What we’re probably forgetting is that up to 80 percent of our sales growth can and should come […]
Search Engine Optimization Essentials
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the cornerstones to an effective online presence. It is estimated that almost 90% of all web traffic is from a search engine of some sort. A good SEO plan is a great first step in any inbound marketing efforts. If you can consistently rank on the first page […]
One of The Best and Effective Way to Advertise Your Business
If you are trying to build a business online, then it’s a safe assumption that you would like that business to make you money. After all, anything else is just a hobby. The good news is that there are many ways to earn money online, and there are also many ways to advertise your business. […]
Online Jobsites Can Provide Great Staffing
Since the online jobsites are the best places for you to get professionals, let us look at them in a little more detail. Here are some of the advantages of getting professionals from here:- People you will find on the jobsites have registered here with the express intention of finding work. Many jobsites are free […]