Video: Setting up a lead capture form using your autoresponder software.
About Azu Ifeachor
Owner of OnizuMarketing - Having worked for the UK's largest Telecom company for almost 7 years, Azu has taken his first hand experience working as a Web Designer, Project Manager and more recently, a Software Designer and infused this with his Social Media expertise to become a masterful professional with a passion for helping local businesses become more findable on the internet.Author Archive | Azu Ifeachor
Copy Writing Online – The truth
One of the things that makes the Internet so appealing is the fact there is plenty of useful and entertaining information to be found. Of course, some website owners prefer to simply copy data from other sources as a way to flesh out the content of their sites. When this happens, they miss out on […]
Keyword Phrases: How does it Work?
Keywords phrases, also called long tailed keywords, are any keyword that is made up of more than one word, usually 3 or more. This is very important for you to know since most of what you do online will most likely revolve around long tailed keywords. Most single keywords will just be way too competitive. […]
Social Review Sites Bring Your Business Up
People love reviews. One of the reasons why became so popular (and there’s a list the length of the Nile regarding why that site became one of the biggest deals on the Internet since Al Gore) is due to its extensive review system. Customers like to read about those who have bought the product […]
How Important Is SEO For Your Business?
Search engine optimization is one of the most important methods of marketing that a business can invest time and money into. In fact, for those who would like to trim the fat as well as possible and get to the most effective means of marketing, here they are: blogging, search engine optimization, and email advertising. […]
List Profits
Once you start growing your opt-in list, you’ll want to ensure it is profitable. There are many ways to go about doing this. You want to make sure all your hard work is for a good cause, so you have to find ways to profit from your list. There are literally dozens of different methods […]
Helping Companies Establish Their Online Presence
One of the most basic decisions for any business to decide when they are getting out there in the world is how or what to specialize in. When you’re an online consultant working with offline clients, the situation is no different. The Internet is a big place, after all. What parts of it do you […]
Extracting the Copy Details For Your Offers
Mind mapping is a valuable tool when it comes to creativing effective sales copy. While not everyone is familiar with the concept of a mind map, chances are you have seen the approach used to great effect. Essentially, mind mapping is the presentation of a collection of ideas, concepts, or words that all relate to […]
Prospecting and Selling: An Essential Tool For your Success
Most people starting a business forget about the most important part. They spend loads of time picking just the right product or service to sell. They’ll carefully weigh the best kinds of office equipment to buy. They’ll even fuss endlessly over their workplace decor. But none of that holds a candle to what is most […]
Adding a Facebook Like Button to WordPress Easily
Video: Brad demonstrates how simple it is to add a Facebook like button to a WordPress site.