I have been running a number of successful blogs for years. I have been pulled aside at many social gatherings and asked questions by people who are interested in what I do. These people are completely new to blogging and they always ask the same couple questions. Instead of repeating myself over and over again […]
About Azu Ifeachor
Owner of OnizuMarketing - Having worked for the UK's largest Telecom company for almost 7 years, Azu has taken his first hand experience working as a Web Designer, Project Manager and more recently, a Software Designer and infused this with his Social Media expertise to become a masterful professional with a passion for helping local businesses become more findable on the internet.Author Archive | Azu Ifeachor
Your Benefits Of Social Networking
If you hear the term social networking you might immediately think of sites like Facebook and Twitter. These are some of the biggest social networking sites but there are actually hundreds of social networking, social media and social bookmarking sites on the internet. These big social sites dominate the industry and would have more members […]
Essentials of Adding An Image to a WordPress Post
Video: Brad demonstrates how to add an image to a WordPress blog post.
What Does PLR Licensing Actually Mean?
When you are creating and selling PLR material, there are many things to consider. One of these things is to choose what usage rights are you going to give away on your PLR products. Even though, by it’s very nature PLR is virtually wide open in how you can use it, there are still certain […]
Discover The Best Widgets For Your WordPress Blog
If you are looking to make your WordPRess blog stand out from the pack then you need to consider using widgets that aren’t standard. WordPress comes packed with a ton of useful widgets, but there are many more out there you can add through the use of plugins. Add these widgets below to make your […]
Selecting Software for Internet Advertising
There is no doubt that online marketing sounds like a great way to advertise your business. While it’s true that it odes have a lot of advantages over traditional marketing methods, it can be confusing and take a lot of time; especially for those who are new to it. The good news is that there […]
Tips On How To Be A Great Offline Consultant
If you’re working with clients in the offline world, you need to cultivate the same values you have while working online. If you’re looking to be a consultant of any kind, there are certain tenants you need to hold dear. We’ve compiled some of the most important for you to take a look at, internalize, […]
Using Flash Lite To Power Your Ads
When most people think of advertising, they tend to think in more traditional terms of the word. This is natural, given that technology has advanced very rapidly in the past ten years, and most people can’t keep up with it as much as they’d like. While this technological advance has been going on, however, some […]
Discover The Value Of Using Low Competition Keywords
If you’re a savvy business owner who is looking to get into the world of pay per click advertising, then you’re already aware of the salience that low competition keywords hold. For those who aren’t aware, here’s the long and short of it: low competition keywords are less obvious words that still relate to the […]