About Azu Ifeachor

Owner of OnizuMarketing - Having worked for the UK's largest Telecom company for almost 7 years, Azu has taken his first hand experience working as a Web Designer, Project Manager and more recently, a Software Designer and infused this with his Social Media expertise to become a masterful professional with a passion for helping local businesses become more findable on the internet.

Author Archive | Azu Ifeachor


Blogging On WordPress To Boost Your Chances Of Success

I am sure by now the term blog is well known by most people, if you don’t know it is essentially a style of website. It is a website platform that allows the quick and easy posting of content (blog posts) on a regular basis. They first gained popularity as a personal diary, but have […]

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Offline Consultants Should Seriously Think About Marketing Their Services

We have already talked about the importance of doing quality work and turning existing clients into evangelists who will give you a glowing recommendation. The fact remains, however, that you cannot rely exclusively on referrals if you want to make consistent income as a consultant. You will need to get out there and find new […]

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Benefits of Adult Social Networking

Social networking is a great way to connect with people that you know personally and people that are customers or potential customers for your business. There are a number of different social networking sites on the internet and the main focus is for these websites to be safe for adult conversation. Adults can use networking […]

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Achieving Mastery Of Your Niche For Greater Success

The very definition of niche is that it is relevant to a specific area of interest. “Car repair” could be considered a niche, but it’s not a very specific one. “BMW car repair” is more of a niche. You probably get the idea – you can get extremely specific with your niche, but as mentioned […]

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Working With Offline Companies: The Basics

With the advent of the Internet over the past couple of decades, it seems as though everybody and their mother is on the Internet. Of course, the level of proficiency that individuals and companies have when working with the Internet is as varied as there are clouds in the sky. Some companies have really figured […]

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Simple Steps for Doing SEO

Video: Brad discusses why your IT guy isn’t the right person to handle your SEO, marketing or social media.

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Creating Facebook Applications

Video: Creating Facebook Applications

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Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Blog

Promote your blog? Why would you want to do that? Honestly, if you have to ask yourself that question you probably shouldn’t even have one. The whole purpose of a blog is to document your thoughts, views, and opinions on a particular topic, issue, or subject. In addition to sharing your thoughts with the rest […]

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Children and Blogs Safety

I have strongly urged parents to allow their children to blog. I believe it can help develop their technological, social and writing skills. In a world that is becoming smaller everyday due to technology like the internet, it is important our children have a strong basis in it. That said, you have to be careful […]

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How To Monetize Your Online Business

Video: Brad talks about when and how to monetize your online business.

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