About Azu Ifeachor

Owner of OnizuMarketing - Having worked for the UK's largest Telecom company for almost 7 years, Azu has taken his first hand experience working as a Web Designer, Project Manager and more recently, a Software Designer and infused this with his Social Media expertise to become a masterful professional with a passion for helping local businesses become more findable on the internet.

Author Archive | Azu Ifeachor

Forum Marketing is Critical

f you are trying to make a mark in deliberate online marketing, then you should definitely try to utilize the different forums that are available online. To begin with, forums are excellent to get information. Thus, one should frequent these forums to establish one’s professional status. This can be done prior to actually starting to […]

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Using Online Ads

Have you ever thought of placing a classified ad online to get some online ad traffic? There are so many free ad sites out there you should never have to pay a dime to put ads online. There are people who will tell you that those free sites are so congested that your ads may […]

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Simple Steps for Mobile Marketing for Small Businesses

Video: Brad talks about how brick and mortar businesses can take advantage of mobile marketing.

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The Benefits of Online Printing

Customers love to help themselves. They can get what they want when they want them not when someone else is ready to serve them. This is where e-business can really make a difference, by extending your existing customer service systems over the Web. Web-based or online service allows your customers to find out what they […]

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The Stigma of PLR

Quick – what is the first thing you think of when you hear the term “PLR products”? What did you think of? Sadly, there is a high chance that you instantly thought of something negative. Since I have been creating PLR products, I have noticed that there seems to be a stigma around the term […]

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Building A Successful Career As An Offline Consultant

Being an offline consultant does sound like a good job to many people. After all, it’s generally a freelance opportunity that will allow you to set your own hours and work when and where you want. In addition, you get to help introduce people who may not know that much about the Internet to the […]

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Things You Should Know About Email Marketing

There are a lot of myths about online marketing. Now a few misconceptions may not matter all that much if they were harmless, but when it comes to your money, then it’s always better to be well-informed. Some of the worst, most damaging myths out there revolve around business to business email marketing. With that […]

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Facebook for Individuals

Video: Facebook for Individuals

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An Inspired Blogger Writes Better

Inspiration. Some say it is the key to great art. I think it is the key to a great many things. Most of our greatest successes and most tragic failures were sparked by inspiration. Why should our blogs be any different? What inspires you to create content for your blog? I don’t mean how do […]

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Basic Blogging Guide – A Way To Get Started Blogging

When blogs first came out, they were typically used by people for updating their family and friends about various aspects of the blogger’s lives. While some people still use blogs for that purpose, a lot of people have found a way to make good money through blogs. They have found a way to make the […]

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