Four PLR Creation Tools I Can’t Live Without

four_plr_creation_tools-onizumarketingThis post is going to look at a couple of tools that I use almost everyday to help with the PLR creation process.  These tools are certainly not PLR specific, but they will help address problems or needs that you may have related to the creative process.

Even if you are a long time PLR creator some of these tools might be helpful.  I know Evernote which I mention below was introduced to me only a couple of months ago.  I had been creating PLR for years before I found it, and now I can’t imagine creating a product without using Evernote.

If you are looking to produce high quality rebrandable content then you should certainly consider the following tools and resources:

1. BoxShot 3D – This is a simple little program, doesn’t use a lot of resources, but packs a powerful punch.  This software is exclusively designed to take your flat images and create 3D images from them.  You can take a normal image and then wrap it around 3D models of things like eBooks, cans, bottles, boxes, CD Cases, DVD cases, Binders, Brochures and MORE.

This really helps you take your PLR products to the next level.  Even to have one 3D soft cover book image will instantly increase the perceived value of your product.  The software is easy to use and reliable.  Much easier than fooling around in Photoshop skewing images.  And yes the link is an affiliate link, but I only share affiliate links to products I use and recommend.  Also the link goes to a trial version download which is free to try.

2. Evernote – This is a game changer.  I use this so often that I can’t believe there was a time I didn’t have it.  let me ask you this – how organized are you?  I am HORRIBLY organized.  It is reallly bad in fact.  I have text notes all over my computer, haphazardly stored and clearly not sorted in any manner.  I am also the king of the “mental note”.  Well, I am the King of MAKING mental notes – and promptly forgetting them.

Not any more though.

For the past couple of months I have been an organized machine working efficeintly towards PLR domination – and I owe it all to Evernote.  Now every note I make, I make in Evernote.  Every note I take is easily organized AND searchable.  No longer do I have the next great PLR idea and forget it.  I have a notebook full of random ideas for PLR products.  When I am in need of inspiration I can easily find all my brainstormed notes.

I have multiple to-do lists set up as well, every time I open Evernote my daily/weekly/long term goals and to-dos are right in front of me.

Evernote also stores all of your notes “in the cloud” so you can access theme from ANY where on ANY platform. This includes either iPhone or Android for you smart phone users.

3. Adobe Fireworks – This is an expensive one but very worth it if you are creating any sort of web based graphics on the regular.  I use this program more than any on my computer (besides internet browsers, and message clients).  I guess some people would ask why not just use Photoshop – and to be honest I don’t have a great answer to that.  I prefer Fireworks for graphics.  If I want to work with photos, then I will use Photoshop. When i work with graphics I go Fireworks.

TThis is simpyl a graphic design program. It is a lot like Photoshop and I couldn’t tell you all of the differences to be honest.  I find it more beginner friendly to begin with.

I use this tool for everything.  PLR covers, PLR graphics, Screen shots, PLR websites, Minisites – and of course all of the graphics needed for our actual site where we sell and host our PLR.

It is a lot to learn and I have far from mastered it, but if you put in the hours using it you will learn more than enough on your own to really upgrade the graphics in your PLR.

4. Mac Pages – UH OH A Mac vs PC debate coming up!  It is about to get all Vancouver Rioty up in here…OK, not really.

I use a Mac but I am not passionate.  Whatever gets the job done I say.  This is not a PC vs MAC debate.  HOWEVER, I have used both platforms quite a bit and I have to say iWork Pages is certainly a better program than MS Word when it comes to creating high quality PDFs.   I don’t know what it is but the templates are better looking, it is more intuitive to use and the PDF exporting is heads above Word IMO.

The one issue I have had, is exporting to a Word Doc, you have to be careful with what Pages tools you use when you want to create a .doc version.  Some of the more advanced Pages tools may not translate well in Word.  That said after dozens of PLR products created, all including a editable .doc format of an eBOok, creating a Word doc in Pages is possible.


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