Marketing Success Tip: Stay Focused


When you are marketing online you are going to be constantly taking notes. You will be making to-do lists, and you will be consuming and sharing more information than you ever believed possible.

I use to have my computer full of random text notes. No organization, no way to search it and just a horrible way to stay organized. it negatively effected my efforts when I was starting out. Organization was really one of my biggest struggles starting out and I believe it stunted my early revenue growth.

Once a friend of mine directed me to Evernote though – that problem became old history.

Evernote is the ultimate note taking and organizing tool online.

It will allow you to keep track of all of your notes in one easily organized spot. You can then access your notes from any computer or any device. It will sync all of your devices so you have seamless access to your notes.

It will also allow you to create great to-do lists. You want to organize your time better, create a to-do list in the morning and finish it! Evernote makes this ridiculously simple.

You won’t believe how useful this software is until you try it. It doesn’t just let you keep notes and to-do lists – it also lets you search them. Now you can search all of your notes at once. No opening up 100 files and reading, you simply search by keyword, or general topic and all related notes will come up. I literally have shaved off HOURS per month using Evernote. I can now direct that time to more productive things – you know, things that put money in my pocket.

Evernote also has an amazing feature that lets you take a picture of something, and any text in that picture will be readable by Evernote. You will be able to search these images base don the text within them. What does this mean? Well I know one internet marketer who now has a paperless office. All of his receipts and invoices are scanned as images into Evernote. If he needs to bring up any information, he can easily search these scanned forms.

I don’t think I am a good enough writer to explain, just how helpful this tool has been. Check it out yourself here: *INSERT AFF LINK TO EVERNOTE*

This is the first tip because starting out organized was high on all internet marketers list of tips.


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