As a local business, you need to take advantage of the mobile Web by having your own mobile website.
How does a mobile website differ from a traditional website?
It differs in that the mobile site will be presented in a format that can be navigated more easily by someone using a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet.
The site is essentially presented in a smaller, yet complete, format where the site will still be fully functional and effective on a mobile device’s smaller screen.
You may think, “I already have a website, my customers can just find my traditional site on their Smart Phones and Tablets.”
Unfortunately, this type of thinking is a mistake. Traditional websites are designed to look good in browsers viewed from a computers monitor or on a laptop.
They are much too big to fit on a Smart Phone or Tablet’s Web browser.
The end result is that the mobile browser tries to shrink down the traditional website and force something that’s designed for a larger screen to fit onto a much smaller one.
As you can image, this does not work well and visitors end up with a poor viewing experience as they struggle to not only see the content on the website, but also have difficulty navigating the site and clicking small links with their fingers / thumbs.
If you would like to know more about the importance of having a mobile website for your business, then why not read a full article we wrote on “Why A Local Business Needs A Mobile Website”.
For examples of what a good mobile website for your business could look like, click here….
Or view the mobile solutions section of our site via the link in the nav menu above.
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