
Staying In Touch With Your Family By Blogging

If you are looking for a unique and easy way to interact with your extended family then WordPress is the ultimate solution. Creating an online family newsletter is a great way to keep your relatives up to date on your life. If you are considering doing a family newsletter, check out four reasons why WordPress […]

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Social Networking Into a Niche

You’re probably well aware of how helpful social networking tools can be when it comes to getting attention for your business. In fact, social networking has become such a salient topic in recent years that it’s developed its own marketing acronym- just as Search Engine Optimization has SEO, social networking has Social Media Optimization, or […]

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The Keys To Defeat Your Competitors

Nobody likes a bully… especially small business marketers. If you’ve ever felt like the little guy taking punches from a heavyweight champion, you know what I’m talking about. Big business has donned its gloves, and is waiting to put small business down for the count. I’ve got good news! Sometimes the little guy wins. Heck, […]

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Simple Steps for adding Adsense to Your WordPress Sidebar

Video: How to place an Adsense ad in your WordPress blog

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How to Price Your E-Book

You’ve written and compiled an E-Book. Now you have to decide how much to charge for it. Finding the right price is essential to the success of your product. If you charge too little, people will think it’s of little value, and they won’t purchase it, or even it they do buy your book, you […]

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Top Ten Social Networking Websites

With the introduction of social networking websites it has enabled people to communicate with family, friends, and businesses and just about anyone that has an internet connection. It is amazing how people can now communicate with other people all over the world. Social networking is also given another opportunity for business people to make money […]

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Your Offline Business Could Benefit From Social Media Marketing

There are literally thousands of articles online speaking about the importance of social media for online businesses. A simple Google search will likely turn up more information than anybody could want regarding how best to use Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Facebook for the purpose of online business – and these social networking sites are merely […]

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Outsourcing On Steroids

When you have built a great rapport with your outsourcing professional who you found one fine day on a freelance work site, you can think on more permanent lines. After all, it is always mutually beneficial to seal professional relationships. Some companies who don’t want to go through the hassle of having to find out […]

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Simple Steps for use WordPress widgets in your blog sidebars

Video: How to properly use WordPress widgets in your blog sidebars

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Mobile Video Advertisement Could Be The Next Big Thing

What if you could combine the very best of television advertising with a smartphone? Many companies are looking into doing just this, by developing what can only be called a cell phone commercial. The basic tenants of this are exactly what they sound like – a video clip is sent to a customer’s cell phone, […]

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