Well Known Social Network Websites

well_known_social_network_websites-onizumarketingSocial networking sites are the big buzz around the internet and not only are they great for socializing with friends, but there are hundreds of Internet Marketers that use these sites to promote their businesses.

There are a lot of different social networking sites around the internet that you can use to market your business and the more of them that you join and use the more potential customers you can connect with.

Let’s take a look at some of the Social Networking websites that are very effective at driving targeted traffic to your own business website.

1. Facebook – Facebook would have to be the most popular social network site on the internet and has millions of members from all over the world. With Facebook you can request people to be your friend and so you can search for people that are interested in the niche of your business and send them a friend request.

You can also set up group pages with Facebook so you can set up a group for your business and your friends and other members can join your group.

The most effective way to market your business is to get to know your potential customers on a personal basis before promoting any offers to them. So you will want to connect with them on a social level as well as a business level.

2. Twitter – Twitter is a website where you can ‘follow’ people. You can follow friends, family and people that you share similar interests with. To use Twitter for your business you will want to follow people that have interests in the niche of your business. When you follow people there is a good chance they will follow you too.

Whenever you make an update on Twitter, the people that are following you will see your update. If used correctly Twitter can be a very powerful marketing tool for your business.

3. Squidoo – Squidoo is another popular social networking site where you create ‘lenses’ where you can write and share information on any topic you choose. Squidoo lenses tend to rank very well in the search engines so if you create a lens for your business it can rank highly resulting in a lot of targeted traffic coming through to your own website.

You can even promote products as an affiliate using Squidoo although you don’t want to abuse the system and be too salesy. As long as your lenses are subtle and offer good quality content then Squidoo can be a very effective tool to market products as an affiliate.

4. Hubpages – Hubpages is a social networking site that is very similar to Squidoo but instead of creating a ‘lens’ you create a ‘hub’. You can share lots of information on your interests or your business as long as you offer good quality content. Hubpages is a very effective method for building backlinks to your own website and driving targeted traffic to your site.

5. Tumblr – Tumblr is another site where you create a type of blog that you can post content to on a regular basis and share your information with the other members of the Tumblr community. With your Tumblr blog you can add video and audio and you can also chat with other members. You can also follow other members and if you are active within the community you will soon have other members following you. The more members you have that follow you then the bigger customer base you are building.

Which social networking sites should you use?

The sites above are just some of the social networking sites available that you can use to promote your business. There are other sites such as YouTube, Stumbleupon and more. It is sometimes a matter of personal choice as to which one you use so why not try them and see what works for you. The more social networking sites that you are a member of the more customers you can connect with.


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