What Kind Of PLR You Should Buy

what_kind_of_plr_you_should_buy-onizumarketingThere is a lot of PLR content available online these days.  With more content being created, there is more opportunity to find great PLR products.  I remember even a few years ago, there was much less PLR available and the quality was a bit less impressive, generally speaking.  Now that there is more and more good quality being created, it is time that people get picky.


One of the main uses and benefits of PLR is in re-branding. You can take a fully finished product and slap your name on it. You gain instant credibility, an asset and potentially a money making tool.  Just like with anything though do you want to slap your name on poor quality PLR?  As soon as your name goes onto that product, it reflects on you and your brand.

Imagine walking into a meeting looking to an offline meeting to secure a 6 figure deal, would you want to toss a bad quality “report” to the customer you are trying to close?  Worse yet do you want your NAME on it?

If you are even considering this, just to let you know the answer is…no.  No you do NOT want to do that.

You want PLR products you can be proud of.   PLR products that will help close a deal and brand you as a pro – not make you look like a rookie in over his head.

When you are buying a PLR product that you plan on rebranding as your own, and you want to be proud of it….then there are a couple things to look for:

1. Packaging – Is the packaging for this product unique and high quality? Are there some graphic design elements included with the PLR.  Packaging can make a report really stand out and adds professionalism.  A proper cover page makes a difference. It grabs and holds attention.  packaging isn’t just about the design though – what about the actual report/ebook?  You want to make sure it is typed out in an easy to follow style that looks professional.  Visual appeal counts in our society so if you buy PLR without any – you might want to consider the extra cost it will take to have some created.

2. How It is Written – You should always read your PLR to make sure it is error free.  While typos happen and can be easily addressed with the editable versions, significant grammar issues can be tougher to tackle.  Since the price of PLR is so low, often producers will outsource there work to people who have English as a second language.  This can lead to grammar issues, a clunky read and other confusions.  English is actually one of the toughest languages to master because of a lot of weird idiosynracies.  Even English speaking writers might not be any good.  This is why you have to read your products through to make sure they are the quality you’d be proud to hand someone.

3. Current – You want to have current info. PLR can be sold for years and if the content isn’t updated then it can quickly lag behind current times.  if you are an offline marketing trying to land web based deals, you want current info.  Your customer certainly will.  The best way to ensure current PLR is to buy freshly created content.  This won’t guarantee the content is current, but it certainly helps.  Often PLR membership sites are good for this because they are constantly adding new content.


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