Mobile marketing is becoming more and more popular among business owners and this trend is not going away. Everywhere you turn you see people on their smart phones and mobile devices. As a business owner, you want to make sure you are taking advantage of this growing trend so that you can connect with new customers and put timely offers in the hands of willing buyers.
This short report will cover the most critical items you need to be aware of when it comes to mobile marketing for your business.
Mobile Marketing Defined: Mobile marketing is essentially the act of using mobile/wireless devices to distribute advertising messages from a business to a potential consumer. The messages can be time and location sensitive so that advertisers are engaging potential buyers at a time when they are most likely to be interested in the offer. The message format can include SMS (text) Messaging, MMS (multi-media message), applications and mobile websites.
Mobile Trends: You really don’t need any advanced reports or statistics to realize that mobile marketing is becoming more and more important to businesses. The number of people accessing personal data, internet, email, etc… from a mobile device is growing rapidly and this trend will not stop anytime soon. Check out the mobile growth stats from the International Telecommunication Union
Mobile Websites: Know the trends with mobile usage, what kind of information are you displaying on your company website to people who visit your site on a mobile device? Make sure that you are a plan in place to cater to the mobile audience and that your website gives them the most important information they need to know in the most compatible mobile format possible.
SMS (Text) Marketing: When you think about most mobile device users, almost every single one of them is an active text user. Many of these people prefer texting to most other forms of communication. Most people also carry their mobile device with them at all times. With text marketing, you have the opportunity to contact multiple customers at the same time and they receive the message in real time. SMS message delivery can be guaranteed which makes it a preferred method to email in many instances.
You can also extend SMS marketing to be “location-aware” so that if a potential buyer is near by, you can send them a coupon. Make sure you consider all text marketing avenues for your business or you may be missing out.
Application Marketing: Developing an application that promotes your business to a mobile user is another great way to harness the power of mobile marketing. Mobile apps are one of the hottest items available in the wireless world. You could apply the same concept to mobile games as well. Any application that builds your brand into a potential buyer’s mobile experience, is a great way to get on the mobile marketing bandwagon.
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