Why The Use Of Low Competition Keywords Could Mean More Sales

why_the_use_of_low_competition_keywords_could_mean_more_sales-onizumarketingOne of the best ways to advertise these days is through pay per click advertising. Done the right way, it can literally boost your site hits and even your revenue by millions. For those who understand how applications like Google Adsense works, pay per click advertising can be cost effective and just plain old effective in an overall sense.

However, if mismanaged, pay per click advertising could be extremely costly and just as ineffective. Many people who use pay per click advertising spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year for clicks that don’t go through . What’s the difference between those who use pay per click advertising effectively and those who do not?

One of the major things you can do to up your success rate (and lower your costs) when it comes to pay per click advertising is to go for low competition keywords. For example, a very high competition keyword might be “car.” This is the most common word that comes to mind when people think of motorized vehicles, so the cost of “buying” this keyword for pay per click purchases is very high. Any time somebody clicks on that ad that’s targeting the word “car,” the cost to the company putting out the ad is quite high.

For bigger businesses, this might be fine. However, if you’re a smaller car dealership, you might have better luck going for “auto,” which is a synonym for “car” yet a keyword with a lower competition level. These words will still show up when potential customers are doing searches (most people who are searching for “car” will likely search for “automobile”), and even if the event that the customer doesn’t search for “auto,” the keyword is related to “car.” Google and other search engines understand the magic of synonyms, and you could get included in a search for “car” even if you didn’t buy the keyword!

Using low competition keywords is a great way to get a lot of attention for much less money. When you sign up for pay per click advertising, be sure to do some research first and come up with commonly searched for terms that are lower competition. Don’t just go for the most obvious words – while it might seem that this would get you more advertising bang for your buck, remember that you’ll be paying out considerably more bucks for what might not even be a worthwhile bang.

In following articles, we talk about the best routes of finding these low competition keywords that will help you keep costs down while boosting site viewership. It might sound too good to be true, but effective pay per click advertising is a great way to get the attention of niche markets – and it doesn’t have to be expensive!


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